November, 2015 | Camp Twin Creeks

Chloë is Home! And sad…

Chloë is Home! And sad…

We’re back from camp, Chloë and myself, and we had a great trip! It was so impressive so see what has been going since we all left in August AND what is planned for the rest of the year. Thomas, Josh and JD are almost ready to finish the roof of our new cabin on Girls Main Village, they have also started to brighten up our Theater interior with pine paneling throughout. That addition will make a breathtaking difference to the look and feel of that grand old building!

Dirt and rock are in place in the Shire to start the foundation for the new shower house, and an additional water tank will be added to make sure our plumbing infrastructure can handle the new facilities. There is also already a new split-rail fence by the Dining Hall making that area more attractive and safer too.

Needless to say, it’s going to be a busy winter for everybody down at camp and I look forward to sharing more news and pictures with you as the months go by and the summer gets closer! For now, from Chloë and myself, stay warm and have a great day!

Chloë heads to Camp…

It sounds like the title of a children’s book doesn’t it? Maybe that’s a 2016 writing masterclass! What this actually means is that Chloë and I are heading to camp this weekend for a couple of days. This made me think and realize that a camp visit during the off-season brings about a whole different set of emotions and sensations from the typical summer experience.

The first one is peace and quiet quiet – it really is the most peaceful place most of the time. Obviously not in the middle of a meal, or Olympics during the summer. Right now though, camp is an oasis of no noise.

The second is the great feeling of being in open space, this is Chloë’s favorite aspect I think. You should see how she runs and runs and runs when we visit. Anybody that has seen her trail a mountain bike class during the summer knows exactly what I’m talking about!

The third is excitement, and I know that this is very similar to the summer. Excitement to be in a place that we all know and love; excitement to see what has already been built and improved upon just since we left in August; excitement to see the people of Pocahontas Co. that we love and respect; and finally an excitement in knowing that the planning for the 2016 summer is well underway and this planning will make this summer the best yet. Hard to imagine I know but we’ll try!

After this visit be on the lookout for pictures and updates from everything that has been happening at Camp. Stay tuned and count down the days until YOU’RE back at Camp!