December, 2014 | Camp Twin Creeks

ACA Tri-state Conference – Expect Great Things!

ACA Tri-state Conference – Expect Great Things!

Each year we attend the ACA Tri-state conference to improve our leadership staff and explore ways to better serve our families. This year we are very excited to be attending the conference as former Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the Closing Keynote Speaker at the conference.

If this is any inclination on what this year’s conference has to offer, we know it will be an amazing experience!

Take a look at what else to expect form the tri-state conference here.




UK’s new Tech Crèche

What a novel idea to leave all of your tech devices at home and just reconnect in some natural beauty outdoors?!  😉

The New National Forest in the UK recently instated in July the use of the “Tech Crèche” to keep park visitors’ car keys and tech devices safe while enjoying getting reacquainted with their families and being in the great outdoors. Check out the article here.

Of course we know a place like that that already exists here in the US. 😉

no wifi